Zapleteni pravni sistemi, zapleteni čezmejni predpisi, jezikovne ovire: pomagamo vam prebroditi goščavo mednarodnega davčnega in pravnega sistema. Zanesite se na nas, če želite še dodatno povečati svoje prednosti.
25 let izkušenj v srednji in jugovzhodni Evropi
The TPA Group has been supporting companies in their projects in Central and Southeastern Europe for more than 25 years. The complex EU law and the different legal situations in the individual EU member states do not make it easy for investors to maintain clarity. The TPA tax consultants know the European markets and their special features.
No matter what the project is: We accompany our customers competently and solution-orientedly during their expansion or support them on site.
Take the next step
Efficiently supporting and accompanying Austrian companies in the typical target markets in Central and Southeastern Europe: that is one of our core competencies. We have strong roots in the countries of the CEE/SEE region. We are very familiar with the cultural, economic and tax law peculiarities of the individual countries. It is precisely this experience and expertise that we use for your economic success.
2,050 employees take care of your concerns at 31 locations in twelve countries: in addition to Austria, also in Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Iz Slovenije, po celem svetu
Že razmišljate daleč prek Srednje in Jugovzhodne Evrope? ? Brez problema. Skupina TPA je neodvisna članica mreže Baker Tilly International z dostopom do kompetentnih davčnih svetovalcev, revizorjev in svetovalcev za upravljanje po vsem svetu. To pomeni, da so vam visokokakovostne storitve na voljo v vseh gospodarsko pomembnih mestih in regijah sveta. Mreža Baker Tilly International je ena od desetih najboljših svetovnih svetovalnih mrež za davčno svetovanje, računovodstvo, obračun plač, poslovno svetovanje in drugo.